- Adding a new page soon! I'll leave it up to you to figure out what it is :)
- Another update to the gallery incoming. Next week there will be an update so that the "old world" category is split into various new categories. It will be a bit rearranged. Keep a look out for that, it's gonna be wtfawesome.
- Expect the second part of the Deepholm quadrology sometime soon. It's really long! It will be called "The Hunt for Abyssion".
- Added information on guild interface.
- I just bought a domain for this site. More on that in a few weeks!
- No live streaming today and no big updates. I have fallen ill :( However, I managed to upload about a hundred new screenshots to the gallery. I added a completely new category to the gallery - "Deepholm". It has a bunch of screenshots. Check it out!
- And the site redesign is almost done! Say hello to our new banner and say hello to Cho'Gall up there in the corner. You may find other characters on the other pages. Only a few adjustsments are left on the site.
- Only need the banner and a few adjustments to be done with the redesign! Adding custom image to every page (except for gallery, about and articles) to make them more interesting.
- And we broke the big limit of 1000 screenshots! Hooray!
- Farinar just dinged 82. Will begin in Deepholm later this week. Lots of screenshots assured!
- The gallery has been fully added to the site in its new form! Check out the "Gallery" section for 1000+ screenshots!
- A lot of changes will happen to this site this week. I plan on removing the galleries from the top of all pages and instead have it on its own page. I also plan on making a contact-page and I have a few other pages in mind. This will make the individual pages faster to load (well, maybe except for the gallery one) as well as keep the page tidy and easy to browse. A lot of the elements to the right will be deleted and moved to their own pages. The LiveStream was only the beginning!
- The LiveStream has been added to the site! It will mostly be active from 15.00-18.00 and in the evenings. This is GMT+2. Sometimes, though, the servers might be down or I might be doing something else. Then the stream will not be active but you will be able to see previous videos or streams by going to livestream.com/chintasticbeta.
- I'm back from vacation! And to celebrate this I am currently working on implementing a new feature to this blog: A LiveStream. It will not be up at all times, but I will try to keep it up as often as possible!
New article coming soon!
- You guys said that you wanted more Old world changes.. I am currently working on a video featuring Stormwind.
- Added article about the worgen starting experience (1-5). It is a little later than expected, but hopefully you can forgive me :)
- The gallery might be down for an hour later today. I am reuploading all screenshots as well as adding a couple of new ones. When it is back up there will be over 800 screenshots for you to enjoy! They will be watermarked as well. People keep taking my screenshots and claiming them as their own and this is it.
- The forums are now fully functional!
- 1700 visits on this site since I added the counter two days ago. Not bad!
- Results from the poll are here! The question was: How do you find the blog so far?
Chin-tastic! 99 (71%)
It's good 32 (23%)
It's bad 0 (0%)
It sucks furry worgen-testicles! 8 (5%)
I'm really happy that so many people enjoy and appreciate my work! It keeps me going. Thanks! I made a new poll to the right-hand that I'd like you to answer :)
- Forums have been added!
- F.A.Q. has been added with the most commonly asked questions. Some of the information that was previously listed to the right is now in the F.A.Q. instead.
- New screenshots: Currently uploading 237 screenshots to the gallery. These contain footage of Orgrimmar, Azshara, Wetlands, Grim Batol, Ironforge Airfield and what I could get a glimpse of in Twilight Highlands (epic). This brings the total amount of screenshots above 600!
- Site improvements: I have added three new pages to the site: Site News (which previously was on top of the blog-posts), F.A.Q. (Which will be added soon) and Forums (Which are soon to come.)
- Regarding screenshots: Due to stealing of screenshots I may add watermarks if the problem persists. Read the disclaimer to the right, people!
- Blog improvements: New, cooler banner and amount of screenshots shown increased from 9 to 20. Anonymous comments have now been activated! I have yet to get comments on anything despite the many views of the blog. Now there is no excuse not to comment!
- Worgen Starting experience: The article will be a little delayed since it turns out it did not save all my screenshots and I'll have to play through it again. Expect it to come tomorrow (06-07-10).