Maruut Stonebinder, a tauren shaman tells me that one of the fragments was supposed to be delivered to the Temple of the Earth by a horde gunship, however, it has crashed on a nearby cliff and the fragment has seemingly disappeared. Maruut does not know why the gunship crashed, but sends me off to find clues inside the ship as to what was the cause of the crash. Seer Kormo, a broken shaman, also requests that I kill a bunch of stone elementals near the wreck in order to stop them them from tearing the ship apart and possibly ruining any clues.
Near the ship I find three clues. The first one is an unexploded artillery shell produced in Stormwind. The second one is the body of Captain Skullshatter, whose logs are nearby. The logs detail that the gunship was apparantly fired at by an alliance gunship in the region. This is further hinted when I find the body of a horde cannoneer with gunpowder on her hands. There has clearly been a fight here. It seems like the gunship was attacked by the alliance. After killing the earth elementals I was asked to kill I report back to Maruut.
Maruut tells me that since the Earthen Ring is a neutral organization he will not jump to conclusions just yet. He wants me to meet up with Stormcaller Mylra on the alliance gunship in order to figure out this mystery. I find the alliance gunship as Stormcaller Mylra greets me there.
Mylra tells me that the entire crew has been killed by Twilight's Hammer cultists that have infiltrated the ship. However, we need to find out why they shot at the horde gunship despite them knowing that it was carrying the important piece of the World Pillar. In order to do this we need to talk to the spirits of the fallen crew. This is done by placing a totem near the dead bodies.
The spirits reveal that some in their crew were Twilight's Hammer cultists and that they manupulated them into attacking the horde gunship, telling them that it was a threat. They did this by poisoning the supplies, which made the alliance soldiers into pawns that would be easy to control. This poison later killed the crew.
I also find the ship's captain who requests that I bring him a bottle of whiskey and a rope. He needs some strength before he will be able to tell me what happened. After hearing the captain explain what happened, he reveals who is behind this: An ogre named Mor'norokk the Hateful. Mylra wants this ogre to speak and therefore he needs to be captured alive. She sends me into the lower parts of the ship to beat this ogre up so that she can catch him.
After fighting my way down through the ship, beating up a lot of cultists until I find Mor'norokk. Mor'norokk was easy and gave up pretty quick, saying that he'll tell me everything. Believing him, I lower my defenses and make ready to interrogate him. However, Mo'norokk grabs me and jumps to a plank above the hole in the gunship's bottom. He holds me in stretched arm and is about to drop me when Mylra comes in from behind, binding the ogre and lifting him off while flying on her gryphon. She asks me to meet her on top so that we can interrogate Mor'norokk. I jump on my drake and meet her on top of the gunship.
Mylra tells me that we need to interrogate Mor'norokk but that we need to use rough methods in order to make him squeal. Mylra jumps on her gryphon and, still with Mor'norokk hanging beneath her mount, flies over to one of the big engines on the gunship. Mor'norokk tells us that he does not know where the fragment is and that it was taken to Deathwing's fall to be delivered to the Forgemaster there. When Mylra asks him who the forgemaster is, he refuses to speak and says that he'd rather die that tell us. He then drops into the engine and is sliced and diced into meat. Mylra tells me to report back to Maruut Stonebinder in Temple of the Earth with what we've discovered.
Part three coming later today :)
It will be called "Finding the Forgemaster".
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