Sunday, July 4, 2010

Gallywix, leader of the goblins?

We all know that the Trade Prince Gallywix is a prominent figure among the goblins and in the goblin zones. He is the leader of the Bilgewater Cartel and sell his people for profit. But did you know that the events in the Lost Isles actually point to him as being the racial leader of the goblins? The last event on Lost Isles has Thrall, you (in a shredder) and Gallywix duke it out on the Gallywix Docks.

Eventually, Gallywix has had enough and surrenders. He asks what Thrall wants to do with him and Thrall requests that he and his cartel join the horde and that they make a new home for themselves in Azshara. Gallywix accepts the offer and everyone is happy as they sail off to Durotar to bring the message to Garrosh Hellscream. Since I am not done in Azshara and therefore have yet to see what happens in the Gallywix Pleasure Palace I will assume that Gallywix is now officially the goblin racial leader.

Happy timez!

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